Principles of Human Anatomy by Tortora and Nielsen

Description Principles of Human Anatomy, a market-leading text through its many editions, successfully blends visual and textual elements to illuminate the complexities of human anatomy. The 12th edition raises the standard for excellence in this discipline with its enhanced illustration program, refined narrative, and the integrated design...
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Transfusion Medicine, 3 edition

Description 2012 | 608 Pages | ISBN: 144433705X | PDF | 4 MB Transfusion Medicine offers a concise, clinically focused and practical approach to this important area of medicine. This well-known handbook presents the experience of a world leader in the field of blood banking and transfusion therapy. Transfusion Medicine offers complete guidance...
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The Neurophysics of Human Behavior by Mark E. Furman

Description Publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (June 22, 2000) | ISBN: 0849313082 | Pages: 376 | PDF | 5.41 MB How do brain, mind, matter, and energy interact? Can we create a comprehensive model of the mind and brain, their interactions, and their influences? Synthesizing research from neuroscience, physics, biology, systems science, information...
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The Body Hunters Testings New Drugs on the World's Poorest Patients

Description ISBN: 1565849124 | 2006 | EPUB/MOBI | 242 pages | 468 KB/933 KB "Medical research imposes burdens. But generally speaking, we don't like to know i .If the history of human experimentation tells us anything, from the bloody vivisections of the first millennium to the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, it is that such burdens made secret...
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Relational Group Psychotherapy From Basic Assumptions to Passion

Description English | 2003-01-31 | ISBN: 1843107392 | 258 pages | PDF | 966 kb Integrating cutting edge relational theory with technique, this volume reveals the deeply personal nature of the process of group therapy as it affects the group therapist and other group members. Building on Bion's early theory of group and his later formulations...
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Practical Urologic Cytopathology

Description 2002 | 289 Pages | ISBN: 0195134958 | PDF | 30 MB Practical Urologic Cytopathology provides the essentials for the cytologic diagnosis of disorders of the urinary tract illustrated with approximately 300 color photomicrographs. The text combines the recent with the classic and standard concepts, particularly in the classification...
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Otolaryngology ed. by Balwant Singh Gendeh

Description InTeO | 2012 | ISBN: 9535106241 9789535106241 | 207 pages | PDF | 5 MB This book emphasizes on different aspects of otolaryngology - the medical sciences of diagnosis and treatment of ENT disorders. The book is divided into various clinical sub-specialities, namely otology, rhinology, laryngology, and head and neck. This book...
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Nutritional Management of Cancer Treatment Effects

Description 2012 | 313 Pages | ISBN: 3642272320 | PDF | 3 MB Malnutrition and its related symptoms are both frequent and deleterious effects of cancer treatment. Despite the importance of targeted nutritional interventions in ameliorating these effects, however, publications providing up-to-date information on novel nutritional approaches...
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Molecular Biology of the Parathyroid (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit) by Tally Naveh-Many

Description Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (February 1, 2005) | ISBN: 0306478471 | Pages: 199 | PDF | 6.01 MB The unraveling of the biology and disease mechanisms of the parathyroid has taken great strides in the recent few years. Parathyroid molecular biology is the first book to describe in detail, recent studies and discoveries in the...
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Innate Immune Regulation and Cancer Immunotherapy

Description Published: 2011-12-01 | ISBN: 1441999132 | PDF | 488 pages | 7.47 MB Innate and adaptive immunity play important roles in immunosurveillance and tumor destruction. However, increasing evidence suggests that tumor-infiltrating immune cells may have a dual function: inhibiting or promoting tumor growth and progression. Although...
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Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry Frequently Asked Questions

Description Published: 2011-07-01 | ISBN: 144198061X | PDF | 637 pages | 55.32 MB In a conceptually current, quick-reference, Question & Answer format, the Handbook of Practical Immunohistochemistry: Frequently Asked Questions provides standardization of the immunostaining process for each antibody and for each staining panel. With...
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Gamma Knife Neurosurgery

Description English | ISBN: 3709103428 | 2010 | 422 pages | PDF | 4,6 MB Today, over 500,000 patients have been treated world wide in 250 Gamma Knife Centres in 37 countries each one treating between 150 and 700 patients a year. The current book serves as a textbook, training manual and reference book for those involved in Gamma Knife practice...
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Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism a Guide for Practitioners

Description 2009 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 1905539517 | PDF | 1 MB Many common problems in clinical medicine and general practice relate to arterial and venous thrombosis. Thrombosis in veins (i.e. venous thromboembolism, (VTE)) is a permanent problem in various cancers and following surgery, especially orthopaedic. It has recently been estimated...
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Cytoskeleton of the Nervous System

Description English | ISBN: 1441967869 | 2011 | 789 pages | PDF | 14,4 MB Without a cytoskeleton, a neuron or glial cell would be a shapeless jelly mass unable to function in the milieu of the brain. If we are to understand neuronal cells function in health and disease, we must determine how the cytoskeleton forms and contributes to neural...
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Cytokines and the Brain, Volume 6 (NeuroImmune Biology) by Christopher P. Phelps

Description Publisher: Elsevier Science; 1 edition (July 2, 2008) | ISBN: 044453041X | Pages: 608 | PDF | 6 MB This book opens a new page of neuroimmunebiology providing substantive experimental and clinical data to support current understanding in the field, and potential applications of this knowledge in the treatment of disease. The volume...
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Current Clinical Medicine Expert Consult Premium Edition

Description English | 2010 | ISBN: 1416066438 | 1342 pages | PDF | 106 MB Current Clinical Medicine's 2nd edition, by the world famous Cleveland Clinic, is an Internal Medicine reference that gives you authoritative and actionable information wherever you are, whenever you need it. More than 40 updated chapters, 13 new chapters, and 30%...
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Control of Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses during Infectious Diseases

Description Published: 2011-09-21 | ISBN: 1461404835 | PDF | 188 pages | 2.49 MB Upon infection the host needs to mount vigorous immune response against pathogen in order to successfully control its replication. However, once the infectious agent is controlled or eliminated, host cells need to signal the immune system to slow or cease its...
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Color Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine - 2nd Edition by Charles Forbes and William Jackson

Description English | 1997 | ISBN: 0723421986 | 527 pages | PDF | 99.39 MB The Color Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine, 2nd Edition provides a unique introduction to clinical medicine, with an emphasis on rapid visual identification. It is organized by body system, then by disease. The comprehensive range of pictures illustrates the clinical...
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Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine

Description Published: 2010-04-12 | ISBN: 1840761245 | PDF | 160 pages | 71.34 MB Chronic pain is unlike acute pain, it lasts beyond the time necessary for healing and resists normal treatment. The primary indicator of chronic pain is not how long it persists, but whether it remains long after it should have disappeared. No one patient...
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Brain Monitoring in the Neonate, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology by Alan R. Spitzer

Description Publisher: Saunders; 1 edition (September 27, 2006) | ISBN: 1416038981 | Pages: 240 | PDF | 4.82 MB The cardinal indicator of a satisfactory outcome for neonatal intensive care is normal neurological development, yet until very recently, clinical monitoring of brain function was limited to the physical examination. Recently,...
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Brain Injury Treatment. Theories and Practices by Jose Leon-Carrion

Description Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1 edition (April 28, 2006) | ISBN: 1841695726 | Pages: 608 | PDF | 4.81 MB Brain Injury Treatment: Theories and Practices is a thorough and wide-ranging account of the rehabilitation of brain injury. Written from an international perspective, this book presents a detailed discussion of the basic...
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Brain Disease Therapeutic Strategies and Repair by Oded Abramsky

Description Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 1 edition (October 19, 2001) | ISBN: 1841840408 | Pages: 480 | PDF | 4.82 MB We have brought together some of the world’s leading scientists to review the latest insights and concepts that are the result of recent research into brain disease. Focusing on the conclusions of research carried out during...
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Bone Metastasis (Cancer Drug Discovery and Development) by Gurmit Singh

Description Publisher: Humana Press; 1 edition (January 20, 2005) | ISBN: 158829403X | Pages: 360 | PDF | 7.21 MB A state-of-the-art review of the molecular underpinnings of bone-seeking cancers, current treatment approaches for them, and future therapeutic strategies. The authors illuminate the role of various autocrine, paracrine, and...
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Aging Research in Yeast

DescriptionPublished: 2011-11-18 | ISBN: 9400725604 | PDF | 377 pages | 10.73 MB This volume includes contributions by the leading experts in the field of yeast aging. Budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and other fungal organisms provide models for aging research that are relevant to organismic aging and to the aging processes occurring...
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Directed Enzyme Evolution Screening and Selection Methods by Frances H. Arnold

Description Publisher: Humana Press (May 19, 2010) | ISBN: 1617374725 | Pages: 400 | PDF | 7.14 MB Text discusses strategies for isolating useful clones. Each protocol includes detailed step-by-step instructions and notes on how to best deal with problems. Describes reproducible methods for the creation of mutated DNA molecules and DNA...
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